Care For Kashmir

Agar firdaus bar roo-e zameen ast, Hameen ast-o hameen ast-o hameen ast” اَگر فِردؤس بر رُو-ائے زمین اَست،ہمین اَست-او ہمین اَست-او ہمین اَست۔

Dear All,
This blog is not for any criticism or for any violence. This blog is dedicated for those people who are suffering in Kashmir and for those Kashmir’s who are in Indian jails waiting for justice. This blog is to show the world what actually India is doing with Kashmiri’s.
This might be a little step to support our beloved Kashmiri brothers who are waiting for justices inside and outside kashmir. I am requesting every one to post stories about you friends or relatives or any one who are suffering in Kashmir or in jails.

Thank You

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Kashmir on Rise... only one Voice Azadi, Azadi and Azadi... (Freedom, Freedom and Freedom).

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